Florence - 13/06

Mainland Europe - Day 49
Siena --> Florence

Our stay in Florence was very brief. Which to be honest I was not all that upset about. We had a terrible time trying to find the hotel we had booked and when we finally stumbled across it, we found it certainly wasn't worth the money we were paying.

We also realised that the camp site back in Siena didn't give us Yvonne's passport back. It's so strange, loads of campsites across Europe insist on holding your passport until you checkout. We were always very careful to make sure we got them back, but somehow forgot in Siena. After several phone calls we ended up having some random backpacker who was heading to Florence deliver the passport to us. A bit risky but it worked out ok.

Anyway I think Yvonne and I were both in the wrong frame of mind for Florence. We wondered around and took in the city but neither of us were really feeling it. We only stayed the one night and we were both happy to hit the road early in the next morning. We probably didn't give Florence a real chance, but that said it didn't grab hold of us either.

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