Cabinteely & Hangovers - 12/4

Strange as it might seem our blogging has slipped a little since we reached the shores of Ireland. If we haven't been eating delicious meals dished up by Yvonne's mum, then we've been drinking, sleeping or suffering from hang-overs. Thank god Yvonne brought a massive packet of Nurofen Plus with us.

Our first two days in Ireland we're basically spent catching up with loads of Yvonne's friends and getting smashed. On Friday I met Paula, Dave, Liam and Robin. It was a pretty late one, drinking at Paula and Dave's place, with Ger and Andrea too, until almost 3am. The following night we headed into Dublin where I met Tara, Fergus, Sonia and Lisa. Ger, Greg, Eamon and Liam were there too and we drank at a couple of bars until closing, when we headed back to Tara and Fergus's place. It was 5am before we made it home.

I've been doing my best to sample the local grog, Guinness of course, but also Bulmers, an Irish cider. Both drinks appear to give hangovers of similar discomfort. Tara and Fergus's wedding is on this Friday, so the plan is to try and do a mini detox between now and then. The realist in me says there's a better chance the local will run out of beer then Yvonne and I not drinking for the next five days. But the optimist in me is actually hoping that the local runs out of beer.

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