Tara and Fergus's Wedding - 18/4

Tara and Fergus celebrated their wedding in grand fashion. I have no idea if it was a traditional Irish Wedding, but I can safely say it was a great one. The day kicked off with a catholic church ceremony and I surprised myself with how much of the stand/sit/kneel routine I remembered. From the church we went to the pub, surprise, surprise. From the pub to the reception, where the food was great, the speeches were funny and the beer was cold. Perfect. From the reception to Tara's parents house for more booze and some amazing Irish singing. It was after 6am and the sun was rising before we made it to bed, all in all a truly great wedding.

Naive as I was I thought the wedding was done, but I soon discovered that this being an Irish wedding, meant we'd only reached the half way mark. After a brief sleep and a little recovery time we were back in the pub with all the usual suspects to do it all again, less the ceremony and this time we went back to Tara and Fergus's house. An all too familiar 5am cab ride home and the wedding was officially over. An absolutely fantastic couple of days.

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