Sydney To London - 03/04

The great thing about going on a four month trip is that you don't necessarily have to plan it all that well. Which is great, because neither Yvonne or myself particularly enjoy planning. We were always intending to simply let the journey evolve. To see where the wind blew us and just enjoy it. This said, I never thought that the wind would blow us through Frankfurt on our way to London. Actually I shouldn't blame the wind, as it was really the fogs fault, which had apparently blanketed Heathrow. In fact, in the end it was the wind that cleared the fog, thus allowing us to even make it to London. So I guess that brings us full circle, and we really have been going where the wind blows us.

Singapore airport was pretty fancy. Everything in the loo was automatic. Automatic flushing toilets, automatic liquid soap dispensers, automatic taps and automatic hand-dryers. Frankfurt airport looked quite nice also, what little we could see from the tarmac where we sat re-fueling for 2.5 hours. Apparently the fog was too thick at Heathrow to safely land, and in the expectation of having to circle above Heathrow we needed to detour to Frankfurt to re-fuel. Here's hoping that our next trip to Germany is slightly more interesting. When we finally made it to Heathrow, nearly 30 hours after leaving Sydney, we were greeted by a lovely 5 degree spring day.

Myself, I was riding high on the fact that we had made it, Yvonne knew better. Our actual destination was Royston, near Cambridge, where Yvonne's sister lives. This translated into a short walk, a train ride, some more walking, followed by a 2.5 hour bus ride. A bus ride which followed a zig-zag route of several towns and another airport before it deposited us at Royston. But finally we had made it. Yvonne's lovely sister, Ruth, met us at the bus stop, drove us home, fed us, watered us, let us shower and provided a nice warm bed. Well we didn't sleep straight away, we managed to take a walk around the housing estate, watch 45 minutes of Wall-E with Ben and Sam, Yvonne's nephews, and drink a bottle of wine and a few beers with Ruth and Paul by the fire. But sleep wasn't long in coming.

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